The next AGM will take place on 20th November 2023 at *7.30pm in the Village Hall. *note change of time

The agenda is as follows;

  1. Apologies for absence

  1. Minutes of previous AGM

  2. Chair’s report

  3. Treasurer’s report

  4. Appointment of officers

  5. Health and safety

  6. Any other business


Minutes of the Great Barrow Village Hall AGM held on 7th November 2022 Barrow Village Hall



Sally Clarke                  Great Barrow Village Hall Chairman

Andy Jones                    Great Barrow Village Hall Treasurer

Bridget Greenwood           Great Barrow Village Hall Secretary

Sue McGovan                   Great Barrow Village Hall Trustee



1.    Apologies          

Katherine Runicman. Trustee

Fiona Rackham Trustee

Helen Hockley WI

Kerry Walker Horticultural Society



2. Minutes of previous AGM

Minutes approved.


3. Chairman’s Report 


Chairmans report for the period

November 2021 to October 2022


Covid has once again had a negative impact on our income over the last year. Bookings still have not returned to pre-Covid levels, especially in the daytime during the week. Our main users continue to be the Jan Modelski Orchestra and the Chester and Ellesmere Port Table Tennis league. Unfortunately, after 21 years of using the hall for their 3-week summer dance school, Infinity Dance and Theatre School have notified us that this year’s booking would be their last as they have secured their own purpose-built building. This is a significant loss to us, as it has provided a welcome reliable income over the summer period when many other hirers stop using the hall.

We received further Covid related government grants which has helped to offset reduced income and running costs.

After being Treasurer for many years, Rudi decided to step down from the role. His experience and knowledge have been a huge asset to me and the other trustees as we have settled into our roles. We will really miss him and his inputs to Trustee meetings. I would like to take this opportunity to formally say Thank you, Rudi, for your major contribution to the Village Hall.  We are fortunate that Andy Jones has recently agreed to take on this role. Welcome Andy, I know Rudi has given you a very comprehensive handover. We are still looking for additional trustees, especially from people representing the groups using the hall.

We have not increased hire costs for the hall since April 2017. With soaring energy bills, we had no choice other than to increase the prices but we have tried to minimise the impact on users. We have kept the increase to 10% for residents and 15% for non-residents. Additionally, to encourage more daytime usage particularly for exercise classes we have introduced a 2-hour rate.

Maintenance on the Hall has included:

·       Completion of the full recovering of the flat roof, which Pat Walsh referred to in his report last year; unfortunately once the work had been completed, we discovered significant leakage around the rooflights in the hallway. The roofers came back and made repairs earlier this year.

·       Replastering and repainting of the committee room ceiling and hallway. Thanks to Neil Mc Gowan, who very kindly offered to do the painting for us together with Thelma and Trevor.

·       Repairs to the front door, where some of the panels were starting to split.

·       The Okell Room had several damp patches on the external walls, it was identified that the guttering was at fault, this has been replaced. The walls are drying out so we appear to have tackled the source.

Earlier in the year we experienced periodic problems with the electronic lock, the company that supplied the lock identified that we had a faulty locking mechanism; this has been replaced with very few issues since. Unfortunately, the replacement of the lock meant that all users had to reinstall the software on their smart phones but this was done relatively quickly and smoothly.

We engaged the service of a solicitor to provide us advice on the tenancy agreement written in 2007 that that been put in place for No. 1 Cottage. Based on the legal advice received we have registered the cottage with the Office for Fair Rent who have set a new rent. Further, we are now in the process of preparing a formal tenancy agreement subject to the 1977 Rent Act. Going forwards BVH will fulfil the landlord responsibilities.

Cottage No 2 has had a few maintenance issues but nothing major. However, after living in the Cottage for almost 2 and a half years, the tenant decided to buy a property in the village and has recently vacated the cottage. A small amount of redecoration and upgrading is required before we can relet the cottage.

Fiona ran a successful trial Film Night earlier in the year after a long break due to Covid. These will return on a monthly basis, except during the summer, starting this month.

We continue as members of ACRE, who provide advice and guidance to public building administrators.

Caretaking services – we are lucky to still have the reliable services of Trevor and Thelma in the form of Greysfield Services. They certainly put a lot of work into looking after the hall and deserve our thanks.

Andy will shortly outline our current financial situation, however we anticipate that our costs will mount over the forthcoming years as energy prices continue to increase, the building get older and landlord legislation tightens.

4. Treasurer’s Report

Treasurers Report 2021-2022

5. Appointment of Officers


All officers voted back on


Sally Clarke. As Chair

Andy Jones – As Treasurer

Bridget Greenwood – Secretary – has given notice until a replacement is found



We are in need of further trustee’s and we should try recruit from the users of the hall as it is a requirement of the Charity status especially the Orchestra and Table Tennis Clubs.



6. Charges for use of the Hall 


 There will be a price increase for residents up by 10% and non-residents by 15%

We have introduced a new day time rate for 2 hours.

Starting from 1st December

All new prices available on the website.

7. Health & Safety 

We have kept all the Covid signage and will keep in place for at least the next year.  Greysfield will continue to maintain.

Fire extinguisher needs updating.  We need to update the certificates.

8. Any other business 

The Trustees wanted to thank Rudi for his contribution to the successful financial organisation of the Village Hall for many years and he will be very much missed.